Timo Suter

Born year, place and country: 1998, Baden Switzerland

Orienteering club where I was raised: Cordoba OLC

Other clubs I have/do run for: Cordoba OLC / LC Regensdorf (friidrott)


I now live in: Bern Switzerland


My occupation besides orienteering now: I am studying to become a teacher for secondary school.


Long term target for my orienteering: I want to become World champion.


This year’s target for my orienteering: My focus goes towards EOC in Belgium and WC in Switzerland. And I am really looking forward to run Tiomila and Jukola for OK Denseln.


Favorite breakfast before a competition: Some good bread with butter and honey/jam and some Sirop to drink. Often I eat a banana 90’ before a competition.


Favorite shoe for orienteering: Forest: VJ IRock or Bold  Sprint: Nike Streakfly


Favorite shoe for running on flat ground: Nike Vaporfly or ON Cloudboom Echo 3 for intervals.


Favorite training: 5-8x 1k on track or 10x1’


My best memory from orienteering: Orienteering is a beautiful sport, so it is hard to pick. My most recent and best memory is from the K.O in Olten. Almost 2 perfect days and so many positive emotions. With this result I managed to qualify for the strong swiss team at World Champs.


My worst memory from orienteering: In Spain I was chased by a dog, and I ran like crazy until the dog stopped, but I already was running quite long and had to find myself somewhere on the map again.


Motto: "The best pace is a suicide pace and today looks like a good day to die.” Steve Prefontaine


Major merits:

5th place World Cup Olten K.O Sprint 2024

16th place World Champs Edinburgh K.O Sprint 2024

15th Place World Cup Czech Longdistance 2023

1st Place University World Champs Sprint Relay 2022

2nd Place University World Champs Sprint 2022

17th Overall World Cup 2023