Olivier Blanc-Tranchant

Born year, place and country: 26/02/1992 in Grenoble, France


Orienteering club where I was raised: French clubs GUC, Orient’Alp, OrientExpress and now O’Jura since 2012. OK Denseln since 2011 ?


Other clubs I have/do run for: xx


I now live in: Stockholm since 2023


My occupation besides orienteering now: Coach for trail runners and orienteers / Camera runner for live TV trail event


Long term target for my orienteering: Keep improving as long time as I can


This year’s target for my orienteering: Relay events and Swedish competitions


Favorite breakfast before a competition: 100g cereals with milk/yogurt and 2-3 toast with butter and honey + juice


Favorite shoe for orienteering: VJ Bold or NVII race without insole (then shorter size, lighter and less “spongy” ?)


Favorite shoe for running on flat ground: Hoka rocket X2


Favorite training: Controlled threshold intervals and micro-sprint training


My best memory from orienteering: Too many ?


My worst memory from orienteering: First I remember was a test race long distance for WOC 2011 in Prépoulain (France) with really bad 15000° map, storm and very long race for me ? even Tero have had struggle there haha. But I didn’t quit!


Motto: Vroum Vroum!


Major merits: 36 at EOC 2016, 16 at WUOC 2014 and 2016, 2 time middle French champ