Justine Hamel
Born year, place and country: 2005, Couvet, Switzerland
Orienteering club where I was raised: ANCO
Other clubs I have/do run for: OK Denseln & O’Jura (France)
I now live in: Bern/Môtiers (Switzerland)
My occupation besides orienteering now: Studying Sports and Geography at the University of Bern
Long term target for my orienteering: Running WOC for Switzerland
This year’s target for my orienteering: Going to JWOC, and being selected for the Swiss-U25-Team
Favorite breakfast before a competition: Porridge with banana, cinnamon and maple syrup
Favorite shoe for orienteering: VJ Bold
Favorite shoe for running on flat ground: Brooks Launch GTS 10
Favorite training: Intensive middle
My best memory from orienteering: Window training in Finspång
My worst memory from orienteering: National course in Switzerland – taking the wrong map then going back to take the right one to finally run in a restricted area…
Motto: “Don’t overthink it, just do it”
Major merits:
1st – swiss champs middle distance 2023
8th – sprint, EYOC 2023
10th – long, EYOC 2023